You probably never think about it much, as we almost take our tidy, machine driven lives for granted now. The convenience of ovens, dishwashers and kitchen gadgets are now just part of our lives. If we’re honest – it’s been a long time since we’ve had to really work “hard” at preparing meals and cleaning the home. I’m referring to “hard” as in rubbing clothes on stones or metal boards to clean them, sweeping floors, mopping on our hands and knee’s with a bucket or even hand washing dishes. Who would dare have a BIG dinner party – without a dishwasher?
In fact, we’ve actually come full circle. As we become more dependant on these appliances, we also make more room for our family and other hobbies. If we were still manually doing all these chores, there’s no doubt our lifestyles would be different. Having this additional time for careers, hobby’s does make us more productive.
But, because we are leading such full lives, we also start to become more aware of how food impacts our energy levels, health, and to some extent even our general success in life. Many have come to realise that we simply cannot rely on food manufacturers for our supply of food. It’s unhealthy, full of chemicals and things that not only don’t help us achieve and perform at our best, but actually make us feel awful!
One of our Rockstars, Ronsley Vaz, the owner of Bond Appetit, which is a very successful podcast with about 5,000 listeners a day. He is a Chief Food Sharer and fabulous Chef by trade who creates unique and specialised meals for high-performing entrepreneurs. He creates the optimum nutritional balance for the physical fast-paced lives of change makers and the production of creative minds. Amazing, isn’t it? No wonder these people outperform us ‘normal folks’. They are getting amazing amounts of dense nutrient-rich foods in every single meal.
Don’t despair, I can’t afford Ronsley either! If you are interested in obtaining this ‘edge’ in mental clarity by eating clean and getting loads of dense nutrients – then there is another way! Leverage the new tools and appliances on the market to do the job for you! Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t have enough time to make nourishing foods for your body, mind and family. It’s easier than you think with all the new gadgets available!
In fact one of Ronsley’s workshops is all about cooking and preparing 5 meals in 1-hr. He achieves this by working smart, by leveraging his time with high quality appliances and his famous “mother sauce”. His SHOW is always oversubscribed and it’s quite amazing to see him work his magic.
So, here’s my list of 5 Appliances that can help change lives. Let technology help you get the most out of your time, nutrients and money! Go out and get that peak performance! You deserve it!
- High-velocity blender – There are several options, but if you don’t want to spend $2000 on a Thermomix then the Breville Boss is a great pick, which retails for about $689. You can make your own nut milks (for those who are lactose intolerant), mill your own ‘healthy’ alternative flours, make fresh green smoothies, fresh pesto and marinades, and even create your own spices in nanoseconds.
- Steam ovens – They’ve been around for quite some time, but recently they’ve become much more affordable. Steam ovens as you might imagine cook with steam and they lock amazing flavour and nutrients into the food (where it should be) instead of cooking out all the moisture such as in a traditional oven. Never heat up leftovers again in a microwave, as you can stick it into the steam oven and it’s like new again – no funny tastes. If you don’t have a large kitchen or room for a bank of ovens, my advice is to get a Combi Steamer which will allow you to use a normal-type oven for grilling etc. and also steaming too. Both Bosch & Smeg produce great steam ovens. When selecting the right unit for you, make sure you consider the usable space inside the oven, some have larger or oddly placed water tanks that leave you with a very little area to cook in.
- Food Processors – Again, they’ve been around for ages, but the new ones are so quiet and have an abundance of intuitive features. Have a look for ones with double blades and dough blades attachments. They make short work of a lot of fiddly chopping, mincing and dicing and they do so much more now too. One of my favourites is the Kitchen Wizz, it has a blade for making the best sweet potato chips. It also has a variable blade which can thinly slice those gorgeous zucchini ribbons, apples you name it.
- Food dehydrators – Currently, dehydrating veggies or fruit and making them into healthy cracker-like treats is all the rage. Crackers and biscuits are full of dodgy additives, chemicals and stabilisers. However, suddenly some freshly-made dip and crackers isn’t so bad for you!
- Fitness monitors – FitBit, Jawbone, Garmin, Apple watch etc., give you the power of really knowing how active or inactive you are and setting goals to change that. You can sync these monitors, which are normally worn on your wrist (but there are other alternatives), with your smartphone. They track your sleep, your food (if you enter it in), how many steps you’ve taken and many more features. I’ve heard whispers that there is an extremely pimped-out versions coming soon, so it will be interesting to see what type of NEW technology will be coming our way.
So while Cameron Diaz may be able to afford her own chef, nutritionist and personal trainer, it’s nice to know there is a DIY version available for us normal health-conscious people. Hop on the web, do some research and pick up a life-changing appliance. By the way her new book, The Body Book by Cameron Diaz, is pretty good if you are a DIY’er like me!
Appliances and gadgets are only tools, but they can really have profound ways of changing our dodgy and less healthy habits, reducing our workload, increasing our daily nutrients, tracking our activity…and YES, changing our lives. There, I said it!
I’d LOVE to know what your Life Changing appliance is in the comments below!
Some great suggestions but my life changing appliance is the one touch cappuccino machine!
Hi, yea my Nespresso, is definitely TOP on my list too.
Super excited to see more of this kind of stuff online. I love my appliances too.
Oven and blender should never be out of your kitchen. They can contribute a lot with your daily kitchen activities such as healthy cooking. These appliances are a huge help.
The blender by Karmin is my favorite xD
Hi Tennie,
Wondering where you got that blender from?