How Live Customer Events Can Increase Your Sales and Brand Loyalty

  Retail marketing is changing. Traditional push advertising such as TV ads, radio, press, catalogues and email campaigns are offering retailers less and less spikes in sales and visitation. It almost seems as if everything is against retailers. Consumers want education, they want entertainment, they want personalisation, they want enlightenment. With the increase in online…

How Retailers Quickly Adapt to Globalisation of Market

How Retailers Can Quickly Adapt To The Globalisation of Their Market

  Let’s face it, there are a lot of challenges facing retailers today but a couple big issues are the globalisation of their market and the proliferation of digital. While these two elements are heavily interconnected and come with their own set of problems for retailers. Globalisation, of course, has created a huge increase in competition…

Couldn’t Beat Bunnings – The Masters Hardware Store Debacle

  Masters closing down was pretty significant for Australia, with a lot of things going against them from the start. Probably the largest and most evident was the fact that consumers already had an established hardware offering and Masters failed to deliver any differentiation to what Bunnings had already been delivering. However, another huge mistake…

5 Reasons Why Bricks-and-Mortar Can Win

As stories about the world’s first KitchenAid UK Experience store hits our feeds this week, I can’t help getting excited…but it also makes me chuckle a little.   The retailer side of me would secretly love some state-of-the-art FBI surveillance software to monitor KitchenAid’s retail meetings. While I love their products, a small part of me would…